MRT logoMaterial React Table

Memoize Components Guide

Material React Table a memoMode table option that will allow you to explicitly memoize either table cells, table rows, or the entire table body in order to improve render performance on large tables.

However, memoizing these components will BREAK some features!

Using these memoization features are usually unnecessary, but available if you need them. They can break some features, so use them with caution.

Memoizing Table Cells

Memoizing table cells can make a small but positive impact on render performance, and it is only incompatible with a few of the dynamic features of Material React Table.

Cell Memoization Breaks the Following Features:

density toggle, column resizing

These features are incompatible with cell memoization because they depend on table cells being re-rendered.

Features That Should Still Work with Cell Memoization:

column hiding, column reordering, column pinning, editing, filtering, pagination, searching, sorting, row expanding, row selection, row virtualization

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableDensityToggle: false, //density does not work with memoized cells
memoMode: 'cells', // memoize table cells to improve render performance, but break some features
Memoized Cells
AlbertaKautzer82321 Reichert BridgeArmandolandMississippi
ImeldaHarber866 Kuvalis GrovesNorth KieranIowa
LeonieHickle6094 Hudson ParkMandytownOregon
CristalCarroll41222 Webster OvalSouth BlazeNew Mexico
GoldaBrakus13718 Blick PortFort TressachesterNew Mexico
JackelineLittle130 Kuhlman CreekGordonworthOhio
KarsonFlatley9494 McCullough StravenuePricemouthDelaware
JonathanBednar79954 Klein LoafAbdielvilleIndiana
RockyFunk602 Josianne RampFort PearlworthMississippi
AnthonyStokes71571 Santa MissionBeaumontAlaska
BrendenGislason1291 Lyla GatewayLaceyNorth Carolina
WebsterAnkunding229 Yasmin PassageDoylefurtArizona
MarleyTowne5895 Bartoletti FallsKendale LakesIndiana
AlexandrineHintz89462 Halvorson JunctionJerrodviewMissouri
XavierLowe829 Rodriguez MallGrantbergTexas
CamdenKemmer3110 Andreane VillagesCorpus ChristiNebraska
AshtynHermiston6087 Howell PortsCastro ValleyTennessee
KayleeBaumbach9576 Kristina StravenueSouth BeverlyColorado
EugeneVonRueden43151 Rogelio AlleyBalistrerifurtTennessee
RobinMcDermott5032 Batz ValleysShaynaburyMontana
1-20 of 86

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import { MaterialReactTable, type MRT_ColumnDef } from 'material-react-table';
3import { Typography } from '@mui/material';
4import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
6export const Example = () => {
7 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
8 //column definitions...
33 );
35 return (
36 <MaterialReactTable
37 columns={columns}
38 data={data}
39 //just for demo purposes
40 defaultColumn={{
41 Cell: ({ renderedCellValue }) => {
42 //see how often cells are re-rendered
43 //'render cell',;
44 return <>{renderedCellValue}</>;
45 },
46 }}
47 editDisplayMode="row"
48 enableColumnOrdering
49 enableDensityToggle={false} //density toggle is not compatible with memoization
50 enableEditing
51 enableColumnPinning
52 enableRowSelection
53 enableStickyHeader
54 initialState={{ pagination: { pageSize: 20, pageIndex: 0 } }}
55 memoMode="cells"
56 muiTableContainerProps={{ sx: { maxHeight: '500px' } }}
57 renderDetailPanel={({ row }) => <div>{row.original.firstName}</div>}
58 renderTopToolbarCustomActions={() => (
59 <Typography component="span" variant="h4">
60 Memoized Cells
61 </Typography>
62 )}
63 />
64 );
67export default Example;

Memoizing Table Rows

Memoizing entire table rows can make an even more positive impact on render performance, but it is incompatible with a lot of the dynamic features of Material React Table.

Row Memoization Breaks the Following Features:

density toggle, column hiding, column resizing, column reordering, column pinning, row expanding, row selection

These features are incompatible with row memoization because they require the entire row or cells to be re-rendered in order to update the UI.

Features That Should Still Work with Row Memoization:

filtering, pagination, searching, sorting, row virtualization,

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableDensityToggle: false, //density does not work with memoized rows
enableHiding: false, //column hiding does not work with memoized rows
memoMode: 'rows', // memoize table rows to improve render performance, but break a lot of features
Memoized Rows
KyleighPadberg57128 Layla CanyonSedrickfurtAlabama
MadelynnConroy006 Edna WellOak LawnUtah
LisetteKing37090 Jordon LightFort NatalieOregon
EmmetMedhurst27667 Tillman DrivePittsburgVermont
MelissaStark70121 Gleichner ExpresswayEast CaryFlorida
ThaddeusDavis250 Maybell SpringsEast NorvalmouthMissouri
NettieFlatley96048 Abernathy WaySouth JackieMaine
NarcisoVeum164 Prosacco EstateLake LinwoodsteadFlorida
GiovaniWolff66888 Cullen CenterNew NicolashavenRhode Island
JalenCormier50679 Darby DriveJamaalburghTexas
JasminGibson72724 Crist GrovesWest HarleyIllinois
MohammadHamill443 Wilhelm PlazaTerre HauteNew Mexico
MiloDicki778 Wilfred MeadowKrislandArkansas
ErichLynch60472 Price ParksLake MavisIllinois
DeontaeBoyle4573 Zboncak UnderpassDandrefortMichigan
AntwonTurcotte80006 Luettgen WellNew LucienneshireWest Virginia
MarcellaHermann0339 Kunde JunctionsTallahasseeAlaska
MaudAbernathy3590 Shayna PathNorth AftonSouth Carolina
AsaCrist675 Tamara CornerNorth MelodyNew Mexico
AnitaWiza47680 Rhianna RoadsWelchhavenOhio
1-20 of 88

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import { MaterialReactTable, type MRT_ColumnDef } from 'material-react-table';
3import { Typography } from '@mui/material';
4import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
6export const Example = () => {
7 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
8 //column definitions...
33 );
35 return (
36 <MaterialReactTable
37 columns={columns}
38 data={data}
39 //just for demo purposes
40 defaultColumn={{
41 Cell: ({ renderedCellValue }) => {
42 //see how often cells are re-rendered
43 //'render cell',;
44 return <>{renderedCellValue}</>;
45 },
46 }}
47 enableDensityToggle={false} //density toggle is not compatible with memoization
48 enableHiding={false}
49 enableStickyHeader
50 initialState={{ pagination: { pageSize: 20, pageIndex: 0 } }}
51 memoMode="rows"
52 muiTableContainerProps={{ sx: { maxHeight: '500px' } }}
53 renderTopToolbarCustomActions={() => (
54 <Typography component="span" variant="h4">
55 Memoized Rows
56 </Typography>
57 )}
58 />
59 );
62export default Example;

Memoizing Table Body

If your table never needs to re-render and you do not use any of the dynamic features of Material React Table, you can memoize the entire table body to massively improve render performance.

Table Body Memoization Breaks the Following Features:

density toggle, column hiding, column resizing, column reordering, column pinning, row expanding, row selection, filtering (internal client-side), pagination (internal client-side), searching (internal client-side), sorting (internal client-side), row virtualization

None of these features will work with table body memoization because the entire table body is memoized. The table is essentially "frozen" at the first render.

Features That Should Still Work with Table Body Memoization:

manual server side sorting, pagination, filtering

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableColumnActions: false, //no need for column actions if none of them are enabled
enableColumnFilters: false, //filtering does not work with memoized table body
enableDensityToggle: false, //density does not work with memoized table body
enableGlobalFilter: false, //searching does not work with memoized table body
enableHiding: false, //column hiding does not work with memoized table body
enablePagination: false, //pagination does not work with memoized table body
enableSorting: false, //sorting does not work with memoized table body
memoMode: 'table-body', // memoize table body to improve render performance, but break all features
Static Memoized Table
ErnaHaag8371 Legros MountainLeonportWyoming
JudyKoepp88662 Nelda CovesFarmington HillsAlaska
CarmineAdams543 Herzog MountEast EleanoraviewTexas
NeomaHettinger570 Mason CourseJeniferhavenNew Jersey
HuldaHauck859 Kilback RidgesAzusaGeorgia
GregoryBayer900 Emely ShoresMinnetonkaMissouri
EdgardoKlocko64056 Malachi StationKautzervilleNew Hampshire
FrancescaO'Hara84041 Kaleb ClubLake AlizeMassachusetts
JedediahMcGlynn64073 Lynch BurgSouth TitusTexas
AriannaWest9007 Gottlieb CliffsRockwallIllinois
LizzieGrant359 Kristy SquareNorth ConradfortKentucky
HobartHarris696 Grant LockAnahibergArizona
BaileyKessler31389 Gerhard MeadowBirminghamNew Hampshire
MedaDenesik2454 Shana PlainsBradtkelandIllinois
CruzPurdy761 Boyer VistaBolingbrookArizona
AbdulLeuschke7263 Maynard GreensPort JazmyneMaine
AliaYost40402 Fahey NeckLehnerstadLouisiana
MaribelJohns093 Alvis LightsPort LeathaburyPennsylvania
BertrandPagac660 Smith CanyonWest CraigFlorida
BennieLueilwitz04589 Simonis CircleKozeycesterTennessee
AdelleWiza90890 Chelsie ManorsKuhlmanvilleOklahoma
RosendoSkiles293 Barry RestGuiseppeboroMaine
AnahiHowell844 Marilyne RoadKipportArkansas
WilbertCummings5031 Chandler CenterWest FlorenceConnecticut
DaphneReichert0415 Ratke JunctionTroyOklahoma
VladimirLesch73073 Elinor VilleWest HopeMichigan
JaydeShields4424 Zane GlensAuersideFlorida
JennieReichert007 Zboncak LightAlyciahavenDelaware
LeilaniRohan16737 Elta RoadsOsinskichesterAlabama
EmerySchultz40078 Lolita OvalWauwatosaOregon
AishaBosco466 Crist CovesNorth HenrietteConnecticut
ZitaMraz788 Malinda PlazaEast JaydaWisconsin
KelvinWill07225 Kub RueVacavilleWyoming
SalmaHowe724 Marvin LakesWest AlanaviewIndiana
MayBraun1700 Gerlach RouteFort CarsonAlabama
HelenaSenger05454 Mills ViewFort KiarramouthTexas
SallieWintheiser645 O'Conner PlaceKihnlandWyoming
SydniMcGlynn124 Brock BranchFort JerelMaryland
GennaroCarroll58234 Runolfsson MountainNikolascesterMaine
SidneyKuvalis186 Donavon CornersWest MarcellusfortTexas
TedO'Hara47585 Halie HarborsLake KyleMichigan
JeffreyWiegand77672 Kilback CurveWest JazminboroUtah
GeoMarks122 Misty TraceLouveniasteadMichigan
JaydeCrooks019 Garnet PassageCroninfieldDelaware
ZulaKuphal865 Dach StravenueFraminghamNorth Carolina
KatarinaLuettgen69556 Jayden SpringsFreemanchesterNew Mexico
JabariBarrows988 Halvorson HillsWest AlessandraportNew Jersey
AurelieKohler0568 Shields ManorsLakewoodMaryland
NelleSauer21492 Huels WalkCitrus HeightsNorth Carolina
NatKonopelski50202 Jovan UnderpassCornellsideVermont
JadaGraham561 Samson VistaPort ToneyviewLouisiana
LaurianneSawayn247 Tremblay RapidVancevilleIdaho
ShemarKirlin7049 Skiles FieldNorth DudleyAlaska
EdnaBrakus899 Edd CrossingNew JadynTexas
LillyYost085 Milton VistaLindatonLouisiana
ClemmieHaley1242 Chesley GreensSmyrnaHawaii
RobbBernhard717 Enrique VillageGiovannimouthIdaho
AdrainWill711 Alycia CornerEast MyraSouth Dakota
MadelynnVolkman20823 Marcos MountainRunolfsdottircesterWisconsin
WinifredChamplin172 Daisy MillNorth PatsyhavenMontana
CoySchowalter890 Alverta PlazaHadleyfortWisconsin
MaryseBeer4664 Stefan CirclesLake IssacNew Hampshire
NoreneJacobi52793 Hegmann IsleErieAlaska
JohnathonBarton253 Cayla DaleBlandasideFlorida
RamiroLang099 Garth StationSpringfieldKansas
KristofferGrady0916 MacGyver GatewayEast LouArkansas
JaunitaHills4887 Phyllis NeckSouth IsaiahmouthOhio
NikolasSchowalter285 Stanton LockNorth JonathonGeorgia
AnsleyWolff505 Jerde MountainsSouth BrandiPennsylvania
MaudHegmann09899 Mohr ShoresErinfortAlaska
SheaKohler2215 Angela ValleyCletatownKentucky
FernandoShields25912 Jaren NeckCheyenneMississippi
KiraWilkinson33035 Otilia MissionLake KareemKentucky
WilfordMonahan27850 Chloe LaneNyafortNorth Dakota
JackelineSchamberger925 Anjali RowKiehnmouthKentucky
GersonWyman51420 Jakubowski IslandShanyboroWashington
KenMedhurst55814 Volkman WaysNew MarleysideAlabama
EdgardoDavis4098 Boehm MountainLake AdityaburghAlaska
ConcepcionHaag5306 Ludie PortLake DelaneytonNew Mexico
NikitaAdams071 Nick RoadsPort JadaMichigan
NorbertoGreen578 Noel FallsGutkowskiburghNorth Carolina
MatildeKerluke3555 Nolan CommonLake ElainaMontana
VerdaBartoletti14524 Hand SpringsDomenicshireAlabama
AdeliaEmmerich6461 Ellsworth JunctionsEast BridgetteMassachusetts
RomaAnkunding038 Rutherford BypassCreminlandHawaii
BentonWill027 Lakin UnionPort MelanyNebraska
JaysonRosenbaum696 Abshire OrchardPalm Beach GardensMississippi
AbbeyHoeger308 Hirthe BypassLakelandMassachusetts
StanDuBuque54220 Howe TrailNew VirgilNew Hampshire
ThelmaMarvin8316 Anissa SkywayBellevueTexas
AdelaMosciski7175 Scarlett InletMalloryfurtWyoming
NarcisoHessel2582 Telly SpursDublinGeorgia
JazlynAnderson7113 Kelley WallEast VitoGeorgia
EthaHudson305 Kiera CommonEast MiracleMichigan
MoniqueKuhic65159 Wava LodgeOklahoma CityMontana
CieloMills07954 West RoadSunrise ManorWyoming
LlewellynFrami90812 Gorczany JunctionMitchellvilleMissouri
CierraKing0797 Reinger FortConncesterMassachusetts
FrancescoSchuppe5247 Lockman DaleLake JacintocesterOhio
ValentinaStoltenberg3049 Oberbrunner IsleOsinskifieldMontana
CarmelDooley6079 Madisyn CrestRivertonNebraska
BettyeLittle14055 Bette ViewsNew OlenArizona
KimJohnston9157 Gleason IslandsNorth TaniafieldMaine
RebekahHackett20891 Darrion CurveRyleyhavenArizona
GuyBrown4856 Rohan FordFayboroughFlorida
GusWehner533 Hayes ForgeRancho Palos VerdesOregon
HowellHudson6079 Treva FallsLake DavidVermont
KeshawnGrimes0865 Krystina LightAmosfurtLouisiana
LaurettaBartoletti48011 Howe ShoreLake KhalidAlaska
GaetanoKlein8433 Wilkinson ForksSchaefermouthMassachusetts
JarredWyman7308 O'Reilly SquaresFort AlbachesterNew Hampshire
KaitlynCassin252 Parisian LocksNorth AugustusvilleVirginia
CydneyGleichner072 Gretchen WalksYoshikoshireMaryland
DaphneKoelpin21942 Agustina ForgeLake DarrickVermont
JordaneBrekke1187 Ervin DamUllrichbergHawaii
SamanthaFeest0407 Jaunita RanchGreeleyUtah
AustinSpencer4251 Maureen PlainAufderharburyNorth Carolina
ThoraAnkunding1197 Huel CliffsShorelineMaryland
RudyMertz9903 Randall MissionMelyssaboroughMaryland
EbonyKeebler37823 Larkin WayDeefurtMichigan
MurielRuecker12922 Summer ThroughwayMantecaIllinois
WernerBerge536 Kohler TraceNorth AmarafortLouisiana
MaceyLemke50890 Blanca FordsHeidenreichfieldNebraska
AlizaJaskolski8679 Yazmin TraceAshevilleOhio
LaronPfeffer8601 Lang CornersLaurianecesterWyoming
SamsonDicki99371 Dickens VistaAllenehavenOhio
DesireeReichert763 Ora PinesKhalilmouthVermont
TateStamm30509 Boyle HarborsEast QueenGeorgia
KimBeer825 Norberto ExtensionJaedencesterNew Jersey
VivianeKoelpin722 Mueller CrestArcadiaMassachusetts
MilanO'Keefe013 King PrairieSandyfurtNebraska
KameronHettinger163 Virginia ForkNew ZorachesterWyoming
ChetReilly0459 Haven GlensGwendolynhavenKentucky
RashawnBlanda17035 Ernest LaneMargareteboroughWest Virginia
NathenPollich9604 Harley StreetHackettviewAlabama
ModestaWindler08804 Walsh LakeHannahshireTexas
LucasSenger28874 Gerlach CrossingStrongsvilleAlaska
MathildeWehner141 Medhurst ExtensionsNew PaulTexas
EmmyRunolfsson31588 Brenna HollowNew BrigitteVirginia
AraRoberts62361 Dimitri IslandAmarilloIndiana
FridaCrona9178 Susana CrestVergieburghKentucky
KenyattaLittel93163 Charley SummitKansas CityArizona
KielCarroll696 Mellie PikeSouth GisselleNew Hampshire
SkylarWindler312 Haylee RowLake LinaTennessee
MyrtisJones04067 Marquardt LocksNorth DejaArizona
JanisRussel0923 Heaney TrailRiverviewNorth Dakota
GeovanyBatz6789 Madelynn MeadowFort MeaganburghIdaho
KellenFlatley55886 Torphy TurnpikeBrekkeboroughWisconsin
AudieCronin612 Gladyce InletNorth HassanOklahoma
AlexaneKilback732 Magali HollowLefflersteadMassachusetts
BellaKris3295 Yessenia ExpresswayBiloxiIndiana
GraysonCorwin437 D'Amore HillBeierlandKansas
LoganGislason53779 Reichel RapidGideonshireNebraska
MaiyaLesch6999 Thalia PrairieNorth MichealVirginia
AylinLeffler32399 Thurman IslandLake AronMissouri
SheilaBorer1169 Gabrielle SpringsAnnamaecesterKentucky
RyleeAnkunding194 Buckridge HillSouth BertaOhio
CoreneGrimes641 Monahan PinesEast PrincefurtIllinois

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import { MaterialReactTable, type MRT_ColumnDef } from 'material-react-table';
3import { Typography } from '@mui/material';
4import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
6export const Example = () => {
7 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
8 //column definitions...
33 );
35 return (
36 <MaterialReactTable
37 columns={columns}
38 data={data}
39 enableBottomToolbar={false} //no need for bottom toolbar if no pagination
40 enableColumnActions={false} //no need for column actions if none of them are enabled
41 enableColumnFilters={false} //filtering does not work with memoized table body
42 enableDensityToggle={false} //density does not work with memoized table body
43 enableGlobalFilter={false} //searching does not work with memoized table body
44 enableHiding={false} //column hiding does not work with memoized table body
45 enablePagination={false} //pagination does not work with memoized table body
46 enableSorting={false} //sorting does not work with memoized table body
47 enableStickyHeader
48 memoMode="table-body" // memoize table body to improve render performance, but break all features
49 muiTableContainerProps={{ sx: { maxHeight: '500px' } }}
50 renderTopToolbarCustomActions={() => (
51 <Typography component="span" variant="h4">
52 Static Memoized Table
53 </Typography>
54 )}
55 />
56 );
59export default Example;

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